Friday, August 17, 2007

Our Beloved Hammond Nearing Extinction

Hammond b3 tone wheel organs, (especially A/B/C series) are
getting more scarce. Many have already been taken to other countries,
or chopped. Others have simply been destroyed from abuse, reducing
the number of original condition Hammonds available. Unfortunately,
it is only a matter of time before there are no more to be found in
salvageable condition. The ebb and flow of my website is indicating
that possibly this time has arrived. I'm not trying to be an alarmist
but one thing is for sure, there won't be more in time, only less
because the vintage "tone wheel" Hammonds will never be
made again. No one, not even Hammond, has come up with an
organ equal to the original tone wheel masterpiece.

Wayne Prue
The B3 Manual:

And! My album "Interpretations" can be downloaded at the itunes
music store. Just type in "Wayne Prue" in their search window. Lots
of Hammond content in my own R&B style covering some great hits.
If you hit my website you'll hear some of it as you enter.